Age of Discovery Web Assignment
Please go to Powerpoint and then go to your “s” drive. Go to the folder “History 631” Open the file “ch.16explorationandempirepowerpointnew”.
Please use the slideshow to answer the following questions. I WILL NOT ACCEPT A TYPED COPY OF ANSWERS. ALL ANSWERS MUST BE IN PENCIL OR INK!!!
1. Navigate the slideshow by clicking on “slideshow” “Beginning slide. When you get to slide #3 please answer the 5 bulleted questions. (5 marks)
2. What spices did Europeans depend on India and Asia for? (5 marks)
3. What was the best way for Europeans to make huge fortunes? What did this lead to? (2 marks)
4. Name 3 European motivations leading to exploration and expansion. ( 3 marks)
5. Why did maps pose problems for early sailors? (2 things – 2 marks)
6. Name 4 innovations in shipbuilding. (4 marks)
7. What is a lateen sail? (use Google). Draw a picture of one and explain why it was considered an innovation in shipbuilding. 5 marks.
8. Name 3 facts relating to Prince Henry the Navigator. (3 marks)
9. What did Dias’ voyage prove? (1 mark)
10. Write down 3 things about Christopher Columbus. (3 marks).
11. What nickname did Columbus receive upon his return from Hispanolia? (1 mark)
12. Look at the map of Columbus’ Fourth Voyage – where did it begin? Where did it end? 2 marks
13. What is the line of demarcation? 1 mark
14. What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do? 1 mark
15. Write down 5 facts about the voyage of Magellan. 5 marks
16. What 3 things did Magellan’s voyage confirm? 3 marks